Saturday, October 31, 2015

Jeremy's House Of Fun River Bear's Ride

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

River King Fish Story

On Guard Here Flows The River King Fish Story On Guard. Are You Going To Take Care Of What Takes Care Of You Or Are You Going To Bleep Us Out Single Out Inequality Got To Keep Everything Ship Shape Yep Uh Huh Uh Huh Are You Going To Bleep Us Out Single Us Out Inequality Yep Yep Uh Huh Uh Huh  The Wibbly Wobbly Swishy Swirly Up-swoop Bla Bleep Bleep River King Fish Jump Up River The Wibbly Wobbly Walk On Water Ride Wibbly Wobbly Walk Streaming River Rock Music Walking Tall Like The River Rock Face Of The River Surging Through Heart Inside Scoop Embankments Shivering And Winding Up Together Clasping The River Listening To The River Rock Music In The Uprising Stronghold Into Evolving Of The River Deep The River King Fish Absorbs The Up River Swiveling Rider Grasping Through The Whispers Of Ancient Wisdom Within The Sky Reflection Of Rivers; Seeping Into The Waterscape And Landscape. The Terrain And Humanity Mirrored Within The Water On Seeing The Winding Pathways Within The Current Of Life Balancing On The Horizon The Water Craft Making Up River Charge To Balance Defiance Through The River Sport Of Kings Modernization Of Ancient World River Culture Wisdom Pours Out A Story Of The River Deep Honoring Ancient Wisdom. River Shadows Reflecting Light In Soul Uprising Into The Roaring Rapids River Deep. Goddess Ganga Rides On Her River King Fish. She Guards The Ganges River; Even In All The One God Theories She Prospers For She Is River Goddess Of The Ganges. Mother To The Golden Egg Of The Universe. She Is The Eldest Daughter Of Himavan And Mena Plus Sister Of Pravati As Well As The Consort Of Isnu And Agni In Addition To Being The Consort Of Shiva. She Brings Purity. She Rides On Him Like He Is Her Shape Shifting River King Fish Riding Through The Roaring Rapid River Deep Of The Universe; Captain Spermy Jeremy Sending In The Noble Semen. Prepare For Deep. We Are Going In. Rise Before The River Tide Such A Sweet Complacent Trembling Reside. The Strongest Swimmer In The River Ocean Of Sperm. The Main Sail Mast Has Been Hoisted On The River Of Pleasure Flowing Between The Hills Like Opening Into The Egg Of The Universe In The Crevice Of The Ocean Floor Water Connecting All River Tribe Civilizations Unknowing Similar Transformation Medium Of Liberation Of Manhood. Fertility God Liber. The Consort Of Ceres And Father Of Goddess Libera And On March 17; Call On Fertility God Liber For Ritual Of Manhood Celebration. The Liberalia; Call On Liber. Palpitate Strength Of Heart Through Yearning Young Souls Like Growing To Harvest From A Single Seed To The Far And Wide Out Through The Universe Into Zest Revealed. Beating Chest In One's Own Time; Gleaming Eye's Fertile Beside Her Head On The Chest Thanking God Liber For The Man She Is About To Receive In Letters To Fathers Feeling The Need To Clear Things Up Knowing Some Men Have Trouble Showing Emotion Toward The People They Care Most About When They Are Told Its A Family Trait, Having To Admit The Unhappiness Whenever Fathers Disappeared Or Just Didn't Bother To Call, Even After An Abusive Stepfather Stepped In; Some Fathers Won't Step Up And Protect Their Sons. The Sons Are Left To Rise To The Occasion On Their Own With A Lot Happening In Life In Between Since Father And Son Last Saw Each Other. Knowing Its Not Easy And It Has Been Put Off And Put Off Until The Hole In The Soul Fills With Such A Dark Undertow That It Must Be Reconciled After All Either One Could Die Tomorrow And That Would Be A True Tragedy. A Father Going Out Without Ever Knowing What His Son Has Become Or A Son Going Out Without Knowing His Fathers Coloring Peeking Through River Blinds On The Horizon Of New River Source Beginnings Mountain Rising To The Fall As The Flames Of Fathers Die Out. No Goodbye Or Nothing, Just A Dead End New Beginning On A One Way Street To, Having To Decide Would Rather Deal With Having To Show Emotion Rather Than Having Regret Push Them To Insanity Or Negative Aggression. So The Writer Is Going To Deal With This Soul Affliction The Only Way They Can And That Is Writing In Actions To Understand One's Soul. A Child Is Brought Into This World On The River King Fish Ride Into The Egg In The Womb Of The Universe And From That Point On Every Minute That Passes By Is One Minute Closer To Death. Empty Spaces Lie Between Time And Space And In This Space A Boy Is Searching For His Future As He Grows Older He No Longer See's River Colored Blinds Down River. Now His Up River Color Spectrum Paints A River Canvas Beneath His Feet The River Walker Vision Is Added To His Perspective. He Realizes Everything To Be Known Is Not Known Where There He Stood Waiting At The Shore With His Matres Mothers Through The Valleys Below Matres Mothers. Rivers Goddesses Of The River Beds It Was The First Day Of School In The Water Side Abundant Fertile Valleys. He Had No Idea What He Was In For. He Had Never Seen So Many And Thought Really All For Me. He Never Had Shocked River Electricity In The Squirt He Came From. It Just Flows Naturally The Only People He Knew Outside Of His Family Were Family Friends And Lovers And They Were All Earthling Universal Zoo Escapees From The Prison City Walls Of The Republic Of Baboons Taking Over A Free Society In A Circle Jerk Power Trip Too, Just Like His Parents Or Local Progressive Wild Land Oregon Folks. Little Did He Know That When He Stepped On To The Board He Was Taking His First Steps Toward Dealing With The Outside World. For The First Few Years Of His Rivers Journey He Was Into Writing Poetry. He Even Won Some Awards For It. He Didn't Have Any Friends Really Accept For The Girls In Choir Of Course Because He Was Usually The Only Guy In Choir Depending On Which River Bed Wisdom He Was Attending. In The Hours Soul Divided, His Parents Separated. He Blamed It On His Mother At First And Later Realized How Stupid Blame Is. She Was Always Away in The Crevice River Shore Teachings And Work So When His Dad Was Gone He Took On The Responsibility Of Taking Care Of His Younger Brother And Sister. He Has Always Been Good At Assuming Responsibility And Good At Making Fun Of Those That Assume Credit Without Accountability And Responsibility. At This Point In His Life He Despised The World He Was Living In; For Some Reason He Felt The World Had Turned Their Back On Him. He Stopped Writing Poetry Because He Knew His Mother Liked It And He Thought It Was Unmanly. He Started Making A Lot Of Home Made Obstacle Courses And Rope Swings But Stealing Supplies To Do It And Getting In A Lot Of Fights From Guys Trying To Keep Up With Him Just Doing His Things And Them Cheating Or Chickening Out To Do It. Although He Was Still President Of His Own Choose Your Own Adventure Book Club. He Thought It Would Make Him Popular With The Guys And It Did For A While Until They Found Out He Was Also Friends With All Of Their Girlfriends In Choir But  It Did Not Matter To Him That Not To Many Of The Guys Wanted To Be Friends Because He Got Them To Work Together On Sports And Projects Together Droplet By Droplet Through Roaring Rapid River Deep Competition Of Charging Up River Through Life's River Dream. He Was And Is One Of The Champion Tribal River Walker Chieftain Kings Who Loves Positive Competition And Aggression Because It Keeps Us Out Of Depression And Lying Around And Giving Up Letting The Soul Turn Deadly Of Withered Complexion Like A Drug Addict Whose Life Is Drained By Harmful Chemicals Rather Then Into The Temple Of The Soul Of The River Body Dropping The Handle Up River Ride. The Mind Is Free While The Heart Is Tethered To The Soul Body Shore. Let Us Not Ride Astray And Miss The Tether Together From The Pathways Of Hearts Of Champions In The Roaring Rapid River Deep Bodily Into Riding The Soul Questing Basis For Intellectual Achievement Where Aggressions Slippery In Slope Rising Motivation And Defiance Uproariously Civil In The Tether Together Sport. The River King Fish Fathers And Ancestors Iron Fist Wisdom Of Aggression Pounding In The Roar Of The Rocks And Rapids Foretelling The Rise Of Achievement When One Becomes A Professional Tethered River Board Rapid Surf Athlete When The Ancestor Fathers Figures And Ancestress's Unify The Being On The Water Tethered Together Spirits Of Roaring Rapid River Deep Implant Inside The River Body Of One Another In The Tether Together. In The Whisper Of The Sweet Surrender Of The River Connection To Wisp Away The Sacrifice Of Drowning In Emotion. The River King Fish Seedling River Flowering Into Mounds Between Perky Purple Sun Light Dream Streaming River In Between The Mountain Into The Valley.