Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Everything Man Song Lyrics by Jeremy Matthews

Meet my friend unison holding the river like a Water Bearer singing through a dream, see the vision in the unison flowing from the sky standing like a mountain holding to the vision rolling down the mountain like a dream pouring out the heart through the hearts song, look beneath the surface like a river kissing the sea what is ours one and all will be you can be my river queen I'll be your river king step inside the vision see inside my heart I can make your world slide up on me, you can be my all encompassing on the rise. I'll be your everything man I'll do everything I can for you rising singing shining like the sun shining through your eyes bringing me sweet dreams of waking up next to you with more and more coming on more and more and don't ever stop at more and more of that warm wet slide on down the mountain rolling like a river singing about a dream pouring the heart down the mountain bearing the brunt of the sky as the sea between what all will be on the journey reflecting sky and sea as father and mother as father sky and mother sea, will that be all that be or is their more to me and you or am I still father sky and you mother sea, fancy what will be, guess we need a journey to be all that I am because life is a journey anyway I have been called a God and I have been called a king and neither will ever top the human in me and one and all look inside when the spotlight is is on I know I know I love you though I have been a fool I will come through even too late to try I should be committed to you, make your arms a straight jacket for me, pardon me, excuse me, coming through I should be committed to you, a happy ending coming through. We can even put some me into you crazy makes loving you loving me and me loving you where I'm holding the river like a water bearer singing through a dream on the mountain.

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