Monday, October 20, 2014

River Otter Board Summer Development

 Let Us Stay Away From Any One Trick Pony Approach To Cross Over Tethered River Board Rapid Surfing; Just Because Surfing And Tethered River Boarding Are Both Done On Water Does Not Change The Fact That You Use The Right Tool For The Right Job Unless One Think's Farting On A Biscuit Will Make A Pancake Just Because They Are Made Out Of The Same Materials.
      Now Then Avoiding Any Stinky Biscuits Let Us Look At The Actual Development Of Water Sports Action On Rivers That Leads To Multiple Tricks For A Free Style Board Sport To Offer Up To Our Board Sport Market Associates And Local River Cultures Of The World Without Stepping On Any Toes.
   The Otter Board For Me Is The Perfect Crossover Board Between Surfing And Tethered River Boarding Because I Have Had The Pleasure Of Surfing With A Sea Otter In The Ocean And River Boarding With A River Otter In The River So I Have Gone So Far As To Shape The Board Like An Otter To See If It Rides Like An Otter. See Videos Below:

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