Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Brief Summary of Invention by Jeremy Matthews

The watercraft herein described as previously as its own field of invention consists of a means  steer up river safely using the steering dimensions of the shape the board and  to outlast the rock under the rapids when an up river rapid rider cannot sustain the force of the bungee pulling them up out of the water against the current. The Board will be slammed against the bottom of the river. This Creation deals with protecting the board and the rider from that situation by forming an internal frame that reinforces into the steering dimensions of the board to make one final product to outlast the rock and support the curves of the edge of the board as being able to steer away from harm because it allows the rider to keep more of their weight on the front of the board because their center of balance is at an upward slant as in having to go up the river. This is not like any other previously mentioned water crafts where the center of gravity is kept on the back of the board of the prior art water crafts previously mentioned.

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