Monday, June 23, 2014

Fwd: Crawford Ohio FSA Bulletin - Disaster Program Enrollment Underway

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:29 PM
Subject: Crawford Ohio FSA Bulletin - Disaster Program Enrollment Underway

June 2014


Livestock Disaster Assistance Sign-up Continues

 Livestock disaster program enrollment opened on April 15, 2014. These disaster programs are authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill as permanent programs and provide retroactive authority to cover losses that occurred on or after Oct. 1, 2011.

To expedite applications, all producers who experienced losses are encouraged to bring records documenting those losses to the FSA Office. Producers should record all pertinent information of natural disaster consequences, including:

  • Documentation of the number and kind of livestock that have died, supplemented if possible by photographs or video records of ownership and losses
  • Dates of death supported by birth recordings or purchase receipts
  • Costs of transporting livestock to safer grounds or to move animals to new pastures
  • Feed purchases if supplies or grazing pastures are destroyed
  • Crop records, including seed and fertilizer purchases, planting and production records
  • Eligible producers can sign-up for the following livestock disaster assistance programs:

Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP):

  • LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered grazing losses due to drought on privately owned or cash leased land or fire on federally managed land. Eligible producers must physically be located in a county affected by a qualifying drought during the normal grazing period for the county. Producers who suffered eligible grazing losses should submit a completed CCC-853 and supporting documentation by January 30, 2015.

Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP):

  • LIP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality due to adverse weather and attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law. Producers who suffered livestock death losses should submit a notice of loss and an application for payment to their local FSA office by January 30, 2015.

Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP):

  • ELAP provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish that have losses due to disease, adverse weather, or other conditions, such as blizzards and wildfires. ELAP assistance is provided for losses not covered by LFP and LIP. Producers who suffered eligible livestock, honeybee or farm-raised fish losses during 2012 and 2013 program years must submit a notice of loss and application for payment to their local FSA office by August 1, 2014. For 2014 program year losses, the notice of loss and an application for payment must be submitted by November 1, 2014.

For more information, producers can review the LFP, LIP and ELAP Fact Sheets on the Farm Bill webpage. Producers are encouraged to make an appointment with the Crawford County FSA Office at 419-562-8936 (Extension 2). 

Tree Assistance Program (TAP) Sign-up Continues

As of  Tuesday, April 15, 2014, orchardists and nursery tree growers who experienced losses from natural disasters that occurred on or after Oct. 1, 2011, can sign up for the Tree Assistance Program (TAP). TAP was authorized by the Agricultural Act of 2014 as a permanent disaster program.  TAP provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines damaged by natural disasters.

"Ohio has been hit hard this past winter with record low temperatures and now orchard and vineyard producers are seeing the extent of damage," said Trevor Kerr.  

Eligible tree types include trees, bushes or vines that produce an annual crop for commercial purposes. Nursery trees include ornamental, fruit, nut and Christmas trees that are produced for commercial sale. Trees used for pulp or timber are ineligible.

To qualify for TAP, orchardists must suffer a qualifying tree, bush or vine loss in excess of 15 percent mortality from an eligible natural disaster. The eligible trees, bushes or vines must have been owned when the natural disaster occurred; however, eligible growers are not required to own the land on which the eligible trees, bushes and vines were planted.

If the TAP application is approved, the eligible trees, bushes and vines must be replaced within 12 months from the date the application is approved. The cumulative total quantity of acres planted to trees, bushes or vines, for which a producer can receive TAP payments, cannot exceed 500 acres annually.

If physical evidence of the lost trees, bushes, or vines no longer exists, the owner must provide documentation to determine the eligible trees, bushes, or vines existed and were lost on each stand because of the approved disaster condition. 

Examples of documentation can include:

  • Receipts for the original purchase of the eligible trees, bushes, or vines where TAP is requested,
  • Documentation of labor and equipment used to plant or remove the eligible trees, bushes, or vines that were lost,
  • Chemical, fertilizer, or other related receipts to substantiate the existence of the eligible trees, bushes, or vines.
  • RMA appraisal worksheet may be used by COC to substantiate applicant's certification of trees lost.

For more information, producers are encouraged to review the TAP fact sheet or contact the Crawford County FSA Office at 419 562 8936 (Extension 2).   

Please contact CED Trevor Kerr, County Executive Director, at or for Farm Loans, please contact FLO Pam Sparks, Farm Loan Officer Manager, at .

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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