Monday, June 23, 2014

Fwd: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

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Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 6:59 AM
Subject: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest


  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
For 170M children, chronic #undernutrition leaves them vulnerable to #disease and permeanantly injured #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Iron folate supplements important for pregnant women with anemia bc they decr risk of maternal &amp; infant complications. #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Vitamin&amp;mineral deficiencies severely limit growth&amp;cognitive development. #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Under #nutrition &amp; stunting puts children at elevated risk of mortality &amp; cognitive deficits. #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Check out #CSISLive footage and interviews from the 50 years of #globalhealth event here: @CSIS
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
#Nepal Govt developed a 5yr plan of action in 2011 that promotes optimal #health &amp; nutrition for #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Chronic under #nutrition in children (stunting in the 1st 2 yrs of life) affects 170M children under-5. #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Iron-deficiency anemia is estimated to be a key factor in &gt;25% of maternal deaths &amp; low birth weight infants. #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Did you miss #CSISLive? Check out the podcast, interviews and more, here: @CSIS #globalhealth
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
~50% of pregnant women in dev world are anemic - proper #nutrition is key for a healthy #MomAndBaby!
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
RT @LizSchrayer: Proud of #tbt @schrayerassoc team gearing up for next week's #5thbday celebration on amazing child survival results http:/…
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
In #Nepal, &gt;40% of children under-5 suffer from stunting, a severe form of chronic #malnutrition #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
We can end preventable maternal&amp;child death! Find out how during our Twitter relay from 9-5 on 6/24. #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Why are Mom&amp;Baby doing fine? Find out in the Twitter relay on 6/24 from 9-5 pm ET. Use #MomAndBaby to join &amp; ask Q's!
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
#DidYouKnow that #undernutrition contributes to 45% of under-5 deaths? #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Congrats @PathfinderInt for celebrating 50 years in Kenya today! cc @USAIDKenya
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
RT @PathfinderInt: Today @PathfinderInt #Kenya celebrates our 50th anniversary. #USAID #USAIDKenya #USAIDGH http://t
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
.@abtassociates is working to incr supply&amp;demand of nutritious &amp;fortified foods for children in #Tanzania #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
In #Nepal, 1 out of 19 children dies before their #5thbday due to treatable causes like #malnutrition #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Deputy Secretary of @StateDept, @HHigginbottom, stops by an ADEMAS stand in #Dakar. ADEMAS incr uptake of bednets
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
.@CatholicRelief started Mothers' Clubs where mothers reinforce understanding of child health&amp; #nutrition #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
How a @CatholicRelief program lowered child #malnutrition in Southern #Haiti #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Poor #nutrition is a major #publichealth concern in #Nepal's rural areas, where ~80% of the pop. lives #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 20 Jun
Providing infants with the best start in life @PATHadvocacy #MomAndBaby
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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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