Monday, June 23, 2014

Fwd: Pennington County - Acreage Reporting Reminder

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Pennington County - Acreage Reporting Reminder

June 2014


Producers Reminded of FSA Acreage Reporting Requirements & Prevented Planting Reporting Deadline Extension.

The Pennington County FSA Office wants to remind producers that annual acreage reports are required to be filed with FSA in order to be eligible to receive payments for the new annual farm programs (Price Loss Coverage & Agricultural Risk Coverage), CRP , LDP's, commodity loans, NAP, Livestock Forge Disaster Program (LFP), etc. 

For 2014 the deadline to timely file an acreage report with FSA is July 15, 2014.

Due to budget constraints the FSA County Office will not mail out maps to producers for acreage reporting.  In past crop years the County Office provided farm operators with copies of their acreage reporting maps when they signed up the annual Farm Program.  Since it is not known when producers will be able to sign-up for the new annual farm programs (Price Loss Coverage & Agricultural Risk Coverage) included in the Agricultural Act of 2014 (a.k.a. 2014 Farm Bill) farm operators are asked to stop by the Pennington County FSA Office at their convenience to pick up their maps 2014 acreage reporting maps.

If farm operators have made changes to the land they operate they are asked to inform the County Office of these changes prior to picking up their maps.

To better serve producers the County Office prefers to conduct acreage reporting by appointments so producers can be served in a timely matter and the staff can have all of the producer's records available when a producer comes in for their appointment.  The County Office does take walk-ins for acreage reporting, but producers with appointments will be assisted first.

Once producers have completed planting they should complete their maps and then call the County Office to schedule their appointment.  A letter attached to the map explains how to complete the map and what information is needed on the map.  This information includes the crop, variety, planting date, intended use, etc.

Producers with crop insurance are encouraged to report their acres to FSA first since the planted acres reported to FSA and crop insurance need to be reconciled.  FSA will then provide producers with a copy of their acreage report and maps so they can provide this information to their crop insurance agent.

The County Office also wants to inform producers that the deadline to file a prevented planted claim with FSA has been extended to July 15, 2014 so producer can now report their prevented planted acres when they report the rest of their crop acreage. Producers should contact their crop insurance agent for prevented plant reporting requirements for crop insurance.

Producers with questions about acreage reporting requirements or prevented planting or wish to schedule an appointment should contact the Pennington County FSA Office @ (218) 681-1612 ext. 2.

Please contact CED John Nelson, County Executive Director, at (218) 681-1612 ext. 2, or for Farm Loans, please contact FLM John Jacobson, Farm Loan Manager, at (218) 681-1612 ext. 2,

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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