Friday, July 25, 2014

Fwd: EPA Highlights

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From: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency <>
Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 1:58 PM
Subject: EPA Highlights


EPA Holding Public Hearings on Clean Power Plan

Clean Power Plan

During the week of July 28, EPA will hold four public hearings on the Clean Power Plan.  These hearings provide interested parties the opportunity to present data, views or arguments concerning the proposed rule. Currently, registration for the sessions are full with the exception of a few spots remaining for the hearing in Pittsburgh on August 1. 

Registration is not required to attend and listen to testimony at the public hearings, but seating is limited. You can also follow the conversation using the hashtag #CleanPowerPlan.

EPA is pleased by the tremendous public interest in the proposed Clean Power Plan. Already, we have received nearly 300,000 written comments on the proposal and are accepting comments until October 16, 2014. Learn more about the hearings and how to comment here.

Using the Right Refrigerant to Recharge AC Units can Prevent Injury and Fire Risk

energy star twitter party

EPA is highlighting the safety hazards related to using propane in existing motor vehicle and home air conditioning systems. A number of refrigerants with "22a" or "R-22a" in the name contain highly flammable hydrocarbons, such as propane. Using a propane-based refrigerant in an air conditioner that is not designed for flammable refrigerants can cause the system to catch fire or explode, resulting in injury and property damage.

EPA has approved numerous substitute refrigerants that are safer for you and the environment that can be used to retrofit existing systems. Learn more about 22a and alternatives for air conditioning here.

EPA Seeks Comment on Revisions to Risk Management Program

EPA is seeking comment on potential revisions to its Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations and related programs to improve chemical facility safety and security. Once published in the Federal Register, the public has 90 days to provide input on regulatory elements and safety approaches. The information received will be used when reviewing chemical hazards covered by the RMP and to help improve chemical facility safety and security. Ultimately, this effort will enhance public health and safety, as well as assist local fire, police, and emergency responders to prepare for and respond to chemical emergencies. Learn more here.


Environmental Justice in Action: Preparing for a Changing Climate

Clean Up

EPA's Brownfields Program provides direct funding for brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, and environmental job training. Communities selected this year are asked to consider climate as part of their analysis, cleanup, and revitalization planning. In this Environmental Justice in Action blog post, Ann Carroll discusses important steps brownfields communities are taking to become more climate resilient. She also discusses past ways communities have used grant funding to drive future development decisions that provide greater resources to communities. Read the blog here.

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EPA Seal

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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