Friday, July 25, 2014

Fwd: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

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Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 6:57 AM
Subject: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest


  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
At currently projected rates, only 6 of 49 least developed countries will meet #familyplanning progress level by 2030
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Check out the blog "When #HIV Research & Data Collection is at Odds with 'Do No Harm' " #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Learn abt results from a 6-week #VMMC campaign ㏌ #Malawi from 11-12:30pm by the #Malawi MOH ㏌ room 109-110! #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
~30 low-income countries are already committed to #FP2020 goal
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
"Renewed commitment, policy dev. & incr attention required to ensure #familyplanning is integral to #post2015 agenda"
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
We've made incredible progress - since 2005 AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 30% #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
.@FP2020Global goal to extend access to modern #contraceptive methods to 120M more women&girls must be realized
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
"#AIDS2014: Financing the new global #HIV treatment vision - advocacy and economics" - Arin Dutta of @HealthPolicyPrj
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
New success story on living positively with #HIV! #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
By 2030, countries will be able to reach demand for #familyplanning met w/ modern contraceptive methods equal to OECD
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Across the developing world, some 70M girls under the age of 18 are married - we must address their #health needs
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Industrialized & low-income countries must strive to meet everyone's demand for #familyplanning #post2015
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
#VMMC programs in E. & S. #Africa could prevent ~3.5M new #HIV infections in the next 15 years #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Check out the % demand for #familyplanning met with modern #contraceptive methods (estimates&projections)
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
#AIDS2014 RECAP of 7/23 incl @billclinton, @iasociety blogs, @AIDSgov, Graying of AIDS + more!
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Key populations face low coverage of effective interventions & high incidence of stigma and discrimination #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
RT @PMIgov: @GdnDevelopment: pls share @USAID blog If You 'Let #Girls Learn, You Save Lives. #GirlSummit
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
In #OECD Countries, demand for #familyplanning is met with modern #contraceptives at avg 78%
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
With the new @PEPFAR dashboard, you can see expenditures by country/region and year! #AIDSFreeGen
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
David Stanton, @USAID Office of #HIV/#AIDS Dir. discusses launch of LINKAGES & #AIDSFree at the #AIDS2014 conference
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Curious about health comms & #HIV prevention outcomes? Attend our plenary from 6:30-8:30 pm ㏌ plenary 1! #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
"The Role of Community in Global Policy Making" session at #AIDS2014 will take place on 7/24 from 4:30-6 in THSY0605. We hope to see you!
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Learn about "Community involvement in govt agencies: a perspective form @USAID" during the @iasociety session at #AIDS2014: 7/24 from 4:30-6
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Curious about #PMTCT mods of care for preg. women? Join @USAID & @Dignitasintl from 4:30-6pm in Plenary 3! #AIDS2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 24 Jul
Join @USAIDUganda to learn how #health providers scale up Optn B+ interventio㎱ from 4:30-6pm in Plenary 3! #AIDS2014
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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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